We asked Chat GPT to write a version of the trolley problem for children...

We asked Chat GPT to write a version of the trolley problem dilemma, but suitable for children. We don’t think we would actually show this to children…

Imagine you and your friends are playing at a playground near a set of train tracks. While you're all having fun, you notice a group of five children playing on the train tracks, unaware of an oncoming train that will reach them soon. If they stay on the tracks, they will be in danger of being hit by the train and seriously hurt.

However, you have the ability to intervene and save them. There's a switch near the playground that, if activated, will divert the train onto a different track. On that track, there is only one child playing, who will be in danger if the train is diverted.

Now you face a challenging moral decision:

Option 1: Do nothing and let the train continue on its current course. In this case, the five children on the tracks are at risk of being harmed by the train.

Option 2: Activate the switch and divert the train to the other track, saving the five children on the tracks. However, the one child on the other track will be in danger instead.

Option 3: You could quickly try to alert the children on the tracks, shouting or waving your arms to get their attention and guide them to safety. However, there is a chance that they might not hear or understand you in time, and some or all of them could still be harmed by the train.

Which option would you choose, and what would be your reasoning behind your decision? Remember, it's important to think about how to prevent harm and protect as many lives as possible, considering the available choices.