New Discussions Area


I hope all is well. We are always busy working to find ways to provide greater value for our paid subscribers. To that end, we have added an online discussion area. (Password "xxxxxxx") Like everything we do, this is a work in progress that we will look to improve and refine over time. Of course, we will notify you of changes as they happen. We have also changed the password for our "back issues" page.


1. Our "Back Issues" password has changed. The location is now and the new password is "xxxxxxx" (It was previously "xxxxxxx") Feel free to download back issues in .pdf, .mobi, and .epub formats.

2. Additionally, we will start adding online stories from the monthly magazine for discussions in the comments section. So, for example, right now we are adding the November stories so you can read the story online in the magazine to refresh your memory, then comment on the discussion questions in the comments section with other subscribers. The link is and the password is also "xxxxxxx"

Both the back issues and discussions are exclusive to paid print and digital subscribers. Just another way for us to say thank you!

Of course, if you think of ways to improve things in the future, feel free to email directly any time.

~Kolby @ ADC