Submission Stats

We decided to take a break from the pile of submissions we have to read to try and get an idea of how selective we are (or aren’t) in what we publish. Here is what we came up.

  • 3% of submissions we published

  • 97% we decline to publish

So, for every one article you see on our website, we read and pass on 30 or more. Of the pieces we decline to publish, here are the most common reasons.

  • 50% are not the “type” of thing we publish regardless of how good they are

  • 25% have serious writing/grammar issues we simply don’t want to deal with

  • 15% are great writing, and are the type of thing we publish, but we don’t think we could get a 30-minute podcast discussion

  • 9% do everything right, but we have limited time/space and other things are a bit better

  • 1% are people that just seem like a pain, and life it too short to deal with them, regardless of how amazing they are